Keto And Exercise

Are you the kind of person going to the gym because you are trying to lose weight? Not because you enjoy it because you believe its the best way to burn the fat. Then you get home, refuel with carbs and go through the cycle everyday, realise you are not losing any weight and start wondering what went wrong?.

The best way to burn fat is by eating right. 80% – 90% results is by eating the right way not by exercise alone. When you eat low-carb, adequate protein and meals high in fat you burn fat 24/7 even while asleep!!

So is exercise important in this lifestyle? There are misconceptions about exercising in this lifestyle

It is a fact you will lose weight without exercise, exercising is also very important in the ketogenic lifestyle for optimal well being, improvement of insulin sensitivity in diabetics, toning and building up muscles not necessarily for weight loss.

As a beginner if you choose to exercise, enjoy it don’t let it be stressful kinds of exercise. Try to avoid cardio exercise, to prevent stress which raises cortisol levels, never force yourself to exercise.  


Once you begin the ketogenic lifestyle, the best time to start exercising for toning muscles is when you become fat-adapted, which could take 3 – 6 weeks after ketosis. Although, if you are having a hard time getting keto -adapted you can also start moderate leisure exercises like walking, swimming, cycling.


There are different ways to exercise. Some individuals might need to increase carb intake if you have achieved your weight goal and choose to add more exercise in your routine………. it also depends on how you feel once you begin.

  • lifting weights to tone up like dumb bells/ kettle bells
  • jogging
  • slow walking
  • HIIT ( High intensity intermittent training ) this technique not only helps to burn fat after short bouts of intensive workouts without feeling hungry. You also keep burning calories 20 mins after work out.
  • weight training

Depending on the exercise that you choose to start up with the best time to exercise is from 3pm to 6pm then you can have a filling meal afterwards or in the morning before your first meal.

Bottom line is standard ketogenic lifestyle includes exercise. It is up to the individual, if you choose to stay sedentary at the early stages, or active.

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