Eat Fat Lose Fat Say What?!!

Most times I get this reaction when I introduce people to this lifestyle. Eat fat and low carbs!!20161201_133434

How can you eat fat? Why would you do that to yourself when there is a perception that you may have a heart related disease or grow morbidly obese, fatty liver and so many other concerns about this way of eating. Actually this doesn’t happen……….in fact it’s a very healthy way of eating.

Let me explain how the ketogenic diet works in a few words. In most low carb diets the key is to eat low carbs to try to get the blood sugar levels stable. With low blood sugar, less insulin is produced and by eating food high in fat. The body uses the fat as fuel instead of carbohydrates making you a fat burning machine and it comes with other great benefits too.

Most importantly minimize your intake of sugar and starches

In a high fat diet eat good saturated fats like coconut oil, olive oil, all animal based fats and monosaturated fats, palm oil, almond oil and avocado oil. These are essential for a healthy immune system, dense bones, proper hormone levels, heart health, vitamin E and great vision.img_20141007_133354

Avoid hydrogenated fats like canola oil, rapeseed oil and margarine.

No, survival isn’t dependent on fat alone but it’s the main source of fuel for the body. Eat protein from fish meat, nuts, most vegetables that grow above ground like cabbage, cauliflower, dark leafy vegetables. Fruit is candy from nature try eating berries mostly.20160917_190955

The benefits of eating this way are too many to mention so let me keep it simple. For more detailed information on what to eat, avoid and the benefits of this lifestyle, go to
We are happy to share delicious meals to give ideas on what we eat.


Click here for more information  keto for beginners

Posted in food, Updates.